Author Archives: maya
Printable Monthly Planner for 2018
Today, I have the pleasure to present to you a totally different product from everything that you were able to find on my website by far – a monthly planner. The idea behind it is to create something much more … Continue reading
How abnormal could a normal situation looks like (+ Riddle Game)
Lack of knowledge is a dangerous and a pretty thing in the same time. Do you remember how majestic were all that stuff your parents were doing while you were a kid? How my mom could draw so beautiful butterfly? … Continue reading
Bitcoin Micro Mining – Earn by turning your computer on
Do you want to earn money by just turning your computer on? Do you want to add a little bit of extra cash to your incomes without a second job? Do you have a Windows PC or laptop? If the … Continue reading
China letters from Excel to HTML, handled by VBA
This macros turns Chinese letters in “MS Excel 2007” spreadsheet to HTML codes. It will works with all Unicode chars, so can be used with Cyrilic, Hebrew, Arab, Japan an all others languages. In my case it prepares XML form … Continue reading
Loger is a small shell script (Unix “sh” shell and compatible), what turns CENTERICQ “history” records to “human readable” logs. Useful (at least for me :-) when I want to re-read an old conversation with somebody. It sends result to … Continue reading
KC’s MailExtractor
“KC’s MailExtractor” is an easy to use robot-spider for extraction e-mail addresses from Internet. This tool has two modes – with and without parameters. Download If you want to try “KC’s MailExtractor”, please follow next steps: Make … Continue reading
KC’s Calculator
KC’s Calculator is a full-function 16-digit calculator with ten pre-loadable memories (0-9) and four programmable keys (A-D). Got “Editor’s pick” award from at 30 June 2009. Download If you want to try “KC’s Calculator”, please follow … Continue reading
Special effects
The fairy’s toy Virtual reality – Generated “alive” worlds. Have fun :-) Click and drag to change point of view.
TV shows
The “Address 4000” show was in “Top 5” list of Bulgarian national TV, because of these pictures back at 1999-2000 years. They are full size PAL screens, all created manually, pointed to cover the imaginations of two people “in love … Continue reading
Virtual reality
I can create several types of virtual worlds, right now I can show only one, more will be shown later. Sorry about poor quality of pictures, they was taken very non-professional. But you study possibilities only – I can move … Continue reading