Do you want to earn money by just turning your computer on? Do you want to add a little bit of extra cash to your incomes without a second job? Do you have a Windows PC or laptop? If the answers are "yes", so there is something for you.
Some crypto-currencies are very widely-used and in the world millions transactions are made every minute. So there needs to be a super computer which may be able to handle the whole processor work... And even if it was possible for a single computer, if it breaks the whole system wouldn't be able to work. :/ But there are another way - the work could be distributed to many not so super computers.
And this is the case when you could earn money by doing practically nothing. MicroMiner app is a program that works with a crypto-currency named "Bitcoin". Every Windows user could download the program, install and turn it on. After that your computer makes everything, you don't need to do anything else and won't see any ads or other distractions.