This full featured payment gateway allows you to easy sell services on your site, both "sign ups" and "one time" payments (and download products as well), using Bitcoin and receive the payments directly in your Bitcoin wallet. The plugin supports the popular
s2Member "Pro Forms" and "Buttons". Uses
s2M's native button generator to create need shortcodes. Also can use "API / Notifications" too, as usual.
To start using KC s2m+Bitcoin you will need a account. Then you have to get your Extended Public Key (xPub) - log into your wallet and navigate to "Settings -> Addresses". Choose the address you will use to receive funds. Click "Manage" (at right), then "More options", choose "Show xPub". There will be a message "give this xPub to those you trust". You trust me, right :-) Check the code of the plugin as well. Confirm the warning and you will have your xPub.
Next, need to apply for an API key. The API key will allow you to receive payments. This needs some time, as people at will check your site.
Also can use "API / Notifications" too, as usual. If you need to track your payments, you can use these tags: %%cv([0-9]+)%%, %%currency%%, %%amount%%, %%user_first_name%%, %%user_last_name%%, %%user_full_name%%, %%user_email%%, %%user_login%%, %%user_ip%%, %%user_id%%, %%address%%. The last one is not "s2M standard" one, returns the Bitcoin address that gets the funds (your Bitcoin address). All this info can be passed to your back-office or affiliate software.
Runs as a generic installation from a ZIP file - upload it in your "Add new plugin" admin page, then activate it. Plugin will be seen as active, but will not be the "KC s2m+Bitcoin" sub-menus in "Wordpress Dashboard ->
s2Member" menu. After few more clicks in Admin area at top of admin pages will be a message from the plugin, you will need to add your account info to my site in the fields, so plugin can check your license, check for new versions etc. After you add your info and submit, it again may need some clicks in Admin area, to run these tasks at background. Then you will find the plugin in "Dashboard ->
s2Member -> KC
s2M+Bitcoin" menus. Or will be some guiding message - you miss something...
You need to do several steps to configure the plugin before to run payments. You must have a account, xPub and API key (check the "Prerequisites" section). Then do these steps:
- Navigate to "Wordpress Dashboard -> s2Member -> KC s2M+Bitcoin Options -> Account details"
- Fill xPub and API key sections.
- If you need to protect your xPub and API keys (like from your editors and external developers, who will have access to your dashboard), list usernames, what are allowed to see that info.
- Click the button "Save all options" bellow.
All done, you are ready to build buttons/forms.
To start use the plugin do these steps:
- Go to "Wordpress Dashboard -> s2member -> KC s2m+Bitcoin Forms"
- Select a method from the list.
- Fill the need information and generate the shortcode. See the picture for reference:
- Select a currency. Yes, this plugin receives Bitcoins only, but you may want to pin the price of your product/membership to another currency, thus there is a list to choose from. You still will get Bitcoins, depend of the rating of the exactly currency. Means, if you choose "BTC", your price will be shown in Bitcoins, whatever number you set at the next field, and you will receive Bitcoins, but if you choose another currency, your price will be shown in Bitcoins again, but calculated by the rate (see D bellow).
- Set the sum. If you choose "BTC" at the list at A above, here goes Bitcoins, that you want to charge. If you choose another currency, here goes the sum in that currency, but plugin will show Bitcoins, calculated by the rate (see D bellow).
- Select the conditions - choose what people pay for. Nothing different than with any other s2M gateway.
- If you choose not "BTC", but another currency, set the correction to the rate. At left you will find the rate, "BTC to USD" at this case, at the exactly moment of when you generate the shortcode. The rate comes from the site. You can use that rate (if you leave zeros here), or can set some rule as "rate plus 10.5 USD". So you put "10.5" here. If you need "rate minus 10.5 USD", put "-10.5" here. Note, that only "+" and "-" works here, no other arithmetic.
- Set a description for the purchase. Any text, just like in all other gateways.
- Set the text, that will be shown to the members after successful submitting of the form. This text MUST have "%BTCaddress%" tag (with % chars, but without quotes) - plugin generates a custom Bitcoin address to your wallet, where payment goes, and this tag will be replaced. There also can be "%ra%", "%b%", "%/b%", "%i%" and "%/i%" tags. First one can show the sum, in Bitcoins. Others are equivalents to HTML "b" and "i" tags (both opening and closing ones, respectively), will make the text "bold/strong" or "italic".
- Set need ccaps (custom capabilities), nothing new here.
- Here you will get the shortcode, copy it.
- Go to your Post/Page editor and paste the shortcode at the place you need payments. Works anywhere, where the [shortcode] works, by default, or backed by some theme or shortcode forcing plugin.
- Publish the page and enjoy!
Well, that's all.
I will be happy to answer any questions, please
ask me.
The "" details tab:

The "Generate a form" tab: