Tag Archives: membership
“KC s2M Pro-rates” updates
The plugin now have several updates: Biggest one is possibility to work with ccaps. Means, you can use it to set different prorates when a member buys some ccap in same level. That feature was asked by a customer, then … Continue reading
KC s2M Pro-rates
The “s2Member” plugin has a limited implementation of pro-rates. Still there is possible to add more options, with a custom code, as s2M is very hackable. To be easer, safer and without custom code, this plugin adds 3 cases of … Continue reading
KC s2M log&Invoice
Logs are good. Always do logs! The “s2Member” plugin is good too – very powerful and flexible membership plugin. But it lacks member’s logs… So “KC s2M log” plugin is here to do that: creates log of payments. Also, if … Continue reading
KC s2M+Bitcoin
Want a membership payments in Bitcoins? “KC s2m+Bitcoin” is a plugin that integrate the world most popular worldwide cryptocurrency “Bitcoin” with the membership plugin s2Member. Works both with Free and Pro versions of s2Member. License and download Short explanation of … Continue reading