I can not know your site "like my palm", even I try hard. Also I can not remember every site I work in. And I can not read inside your head. So please do detailed descriptions. Understanding how to explain a task you will save lot of time, both yours and mine.
For new tasks, you must explain what is the desired result. To show me like you see it in your imaginations. I will find a way to do, but must know everything in details. Note the words "everything" and "details", please. Or I will do what I imagine, not what you need.
For bugs most important is to show me the problem and to describe how can I repeat it. I must do exactly your steps, to start at the same page, to click the same button/link, to open the same tab, to see what you saw etc. I must repeat the problem myself, or I can not fix it. So do "a map" for me. Think that I see that for first time and try to explain it so well, so I can not misunderstood. Note that phrase "Jesus loves you" may means different things in a Mexican prison and in a church... so make sure that I will understand EXACTLY what you have to say.
How to do: Describe it like to a 4 years old boy (or 49 years old retard :-) ). Add URLs, screenshots, diagrams and clips... Also: Where can I test? What is seen (how to "read" the results)? What you need (how it must be)? Access info to admin panel and to change files? Answers of these questions plus "the map" is enough info for me to complete about any task. If no answers, I will ask anyway...
Bonus: a good explanation helps you to see the problem yourself. Maybe 30% of problems are when you miss something. Explanation allows you to see it, and to fix yourself. Obviously, saving time of both of us, again :-)
Short example:
1. Click the (URL or unique name, so I can't miss it) link, loads the page with red background
2. Click "Select" button (if there is several such buttons, do a picture and draw a red arrow to point me to the EXACTLY button), pop-up opens
3. Scroll down to the (row, table, cell, section?) "Sands", click the "yellow" row/picture/word, pop-up closes
4. Click "Go" button, the one next to the elephant. Air plane fly from right to left and drops yellow sand, wrong: should be the red balloon, not an air plane.
One step is one minor activity of yours, like "view page as logged member" (and tell me which page and which level), "click the link" (and show me which link), "see the log in Z" (and where exactly, how to see it), "refresh the page" (on Z or on site?) etc. I must NOT think about my next move, click etc, I must think about hidden structure and performance of the code (and often - on several languages at once), it do his own steps and I must think about them, else I can not find bugs.
Real life example (site hidden for security), with {my remarks}:
STEP 1 - Created the page "Special Membership – Century21" {also URL here}
STEP 2 - Added Code -
[{the exactly info is need, even when this is a s2M shortcode}s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level="9" ccaps="" desc="$1000.00 USD / Monthly (recurring charge, for ongoing access)" ps="paypal" lc="" cc="AUD" dg="0" ns="1" custom="example.site" ta="0" tp="0" tt="D" ra="1000" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" rrt="" rra="2" accept="paypal" accept_via_paypal="paypal" coupon="" accept_coupons="0" default_country_code="" captcha="0" success="/special-corporate-membership-offer/" /]
STEP 3 - Changed code to accept coupons
coupon="1" accept_coupons="1"
STEP 4 - Create Pro Coupon code for 100% discount
Coupon Code - C21
STEP 5 - Register new user on form and apply C21 Coupon code for 100% discount
USER - corptest
Page: "Special Membership – Century21" {URL here}
STEP 6 - Received new link to URL
STEP 7 - Redirected to log in {it's standard WP log in page, URL not need}
STEP 8 - LOG IN as New corporate user
STEP - 9 Redirected to page "Special Membership – Century21" {URL here}
STEP 9 - On page Received new URL to forward to Branches
STEP 12 - GO to new URL
STEP 13 - "log in or create account" link
STEP 14 - Click "Register"
STEP 15 - Register
user - officetest {username of the new user and all other need info, custom fields etc}
STEP 16 - Log in for branch - officetest
STEP 17 - Redirected to http://example.site/home/
STEP 18 - Go to original URL
STEP 19 - Receive an error message on the above URL page
"This is a wrong link, please ask your head office for the working link."
Step 20 - Click HOME at the top of the screen
Go to HOME but no menus and if I click anything it goes to the membership plans page "Membership Plans" {URL here}
LOG OUT to check and confirm the new Branch user "officetest" is still only a inactive (free subscriber) user and has not been upgraded.