Tag Archives: timer
KC s2Member drip post timer
The s2Member® plugin for WordPres is very powerful membership management system. With this hack we can do it even better. This hack will allow you to create dripping schedule to hide content of the post for some s2Member® level(s) for … Continue reading
KC s2Member ccap drip timer
WordPres’s plugin s2Member® has its own “scripting language” of several []-tags. One (and maybe most used) tag is [s2If …] [/s2If], where we can set conditionals to show or hide content, functions etc, depending of the privileges of the current … Continue reading
KC s2Member ccap clock timer
The WordPres plugin s2Member® has its own “scripting language” of several []-tags. One (and maybe most used) tag is [s2If …] [/s2If], where we can set conditionals to show or hide content, functions etc, depending of the privileges of the … Continue reading
s2Member® hack – custom ccaps
WordPres’s plugin s2Member® have his own “scripting language” of several []-tags. One (and maybe most used) tag is [s2If …] [/s2If], where we can set conditionals to show or hide content, functions etc, depending of privileges of current viewer, like … Continue reading