The “KC s2M+MC Pro” plugin have a new version, and it come with lots of updates.
Most important update is the synchronization with setting at "s2Member Admin -> API / List Servers -> Registration / Double Opt-In Box?". Now the plugin reads what you set in s2Member's settings about double opt-in. All older versions strictly require double opt-in, always. Now plugin instructs MailChimp® what to do, depending of these settings. That is one more important step ahead to full automatic synchronization.
Again about "double opt-in" synchronization, we now have "Do NOT subscribe" link. What it means: The plugin will initiate MailChimp® confirmation email to the new subscriber, again and again, each time when plugin finds that "this" member is not in the list, because "synchronization" is a strict rule "all of the missing members to be signed to the list". In this email by default stay text with meaning "forget that email and nothing will happen". Wrong. You can change it at "List -> Signup forms -> General forms -> Forms and response emails -> Opt-in confirmation email". You can place the "Do NOT subscribe" link, along with a good text to explain, that if not clicked, confirmations will come forever. You must also set a page, which users will see after they click that link in the email. If not selected, the link will redirect them to the home page.
Another new feature is "default value for fields". When you set your maps, you can set default values. This is handy when you set some fields in MailChimp® to be mandatory. If they are mapped, and have no value, MailChimp® will refuse user update. So you will need to set default value for these, and plugin will be possible to synchronize users.
Also there is two new fields to be mapped to "merge tags", both in "S2Member's fields" list, both dates, and both in two formats. The are "Last login time" and "First Payment Date". You can use them to handle your campaigns.
In same time one existing field, "Role", gets more features. Now is possible to create a dropdown list (in two formats: s2M's standard level names or your custom level names) in MailChimp® subscriptions form, to map it to "Role" WP field, and when new user joins your list, WP will set the his "Role" depending of this dropdown. So you can position the new incoming user to need level. But you can not change the level of existing user from MailChimp® to WP, the magic works only for new users, or will be a mess.
Also for first time you can lock a list out from synchronizing. Means, if you have 3 lists, and you set them in s2Member levels, but want to synchronize only 2 of them, now can loch the 3th one, and plugin will not synchronize it. Means, this way handling of your lists is even more flexible.
And last, but not least: error log. Synchronization is not an easy job, lot of problems happens. Now you have an error log on your admin page, just search for "error" word to see what is wrong. Most of problems you can fix yourself.
That's all today, but this is the result of several months work on the plugin, hope you will find it helpful. And, because the list of new features gets shorter, you are welcome to add new ones.