Mousewheel sliding of thumbnails in “Slideshow gallery” plugin

The "Slideshow Gallery" plugin is a great plugin to show slideshows and galleries. It also support a thumbnails to be shown and allows pictures to be selected to full size view. At slides of the thumbnails list stay arrows, used to scroll list to left or right with mouseover. But no way to use mousewheel to scroll... And, of course, a client asks exactly this... And this case born the hack to allow thumbnails to scroll by mouse. That spends me a day to find how to do that "magic", but it will cost only 5 bucks to you :-)

This hack requires jQuery and jquery-mousewheel plugin to it. The slideshow WP plugin runs on jQuery itself, so you must carry about mousewheel plugin only. The need code for that is not included here.

This code is for "Left to right" by "mousewheel turn down". To turn it to be "Left to right" by "mousewheel turn up" read in remarks.



It is possible to customize the "mouse_step" variable to speed up or down the scroll (bigger - faster). Also the DOM ID "#slideshow-wrapper" must be changed to fit, well, the slideshow wrapper ID.

You must put the code at slideshow's page. Can be in header or footer. Or in the post body too.



Here you will see the code, after payment.
You must log in or create account to purchase this kit.

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