The plugin shows a list with payments in user's profile (both in "
s2Member-Profile" shortcode/page/pop-up and the standard WP profile). So both members and admins can see it. Also there is a shortcode that shows the same info at any page you want it. For each payment can print invoice (but you need to create a template, see "Configuration" section).
Also, at plugin's admin page you can see info about how many new members you have, and how many of them confirmed his email - 6 last months both. Plus also info about IPs, what was used to create more that one account. This info appear when it is collected, you will not see it just after installation.
Also you can do "picture" of past moments, and export the results as CSV: to get a list with members, that have certain level (and maybe also ccap) at some time period. Also can set "min active days" and "max active days" - the time "window", where members had the selected level (and maybe ccap too) within the time period you set. Here is a diagram of that procedure, if we set "level 1" and some ccap:
"Active days" or "days active at selected level" is a "period" (blue). Period is also "active at L1"/"Level active" (yellow) and "ccap active" (brown). All others are "points in time". So actually we get the list of member that will get in the blue period.
Runs as a generic installation from a ZIP file - upload it in your "Add new plugin" admin page, then activate it. Plugin will be seen as active, but will not works yet. After few more clicks in Admin area at top of admin pages will be a message from the plugin, you will need to add your account info to my site in the fields, so plugin can check your license, check for new versions etc. After you add your info and submit, it again may need some clicks in Admin area, to run these tasks at background. Then the plugin activates and you will see a new section "Payments history" in "
s2Member-Profile" shortcode/page/pop-up and WP native profile. Or will be some guiding message - you miss something...
The plugin will recognise incoming payment notifications and will save logs. The only configuration, if you need it, is to create an "invoice template" and set it in the only dropdown on the admin page. The template is a usual
WordPress page, you can put anything you like, and is allowed in a page (but think accordingly, the content may be printed...) plus several "replacement tags"(described in plugin's Admin page), just like
s2M's own tags in Notifications. So you can create any invoice template, then set it and plugin will show a link next to each payment, so users can print it. This page must be published, but my plugin protects it: can not be seen if not click on the exactly link; can not see if you are logged out and try a saved link; can not see if you try to fool the plugin to show you someone else invoice etc... There is only one case uncovered: if logged out user go to the page directly. The page will be shown, like any WP page, but there will be replacement tags instead the real info. If you want to prevent this, you must set that page to be visible to "Level 0 and above" by
There is 4 ways to use it:
- Member to see his payments, in his profile, both WP-native or s2M-generated (and a "Print" links, if you set invoice)
- Member to see his payments (and a "Print" links, if you set invoice), in any page that contains the "kc_s2m_log_payments" shortcode
- Admin to see member's payments, in member's profile
- Admin to search by username and to see a list with results, in plugin's admin page at "Dashboard -> Settings -> KC s2M Log" (for full list leave search field free)
Admin can search the history log by username too. Also, admin can get custom reports, by level (and ccap) and active time, and export the results as CSV.
Note, that logs will be remain in DB, when the member is deleted, they stay in a different table.
I will be happy to answer any questions, please
ask me.
The WP's native member's profile:
The WP's native member's profile for admins:
The s2Member's profile:
The plugin's admin page: