How to install, upgrade, update and set “KC s2M+MC” plugin

This is the "Install, update and upgrade" manual of "KC s2M+MC" plugin. The video guide first (but read instructions bellow as well - the video gets old with any next version, new version have new needs):

Installation of Free version

Nothing special, just a generic installation from a ZIP file - upload it in your "Add new plugin" admin page, then activate it. Even more generic (if this is possible...) - by WordPress repository.

Installation of Basic or Pro versions

Runs as a generic installation from a ZIP file - upload it in your "Add new plugin" admin page, then activate it. Plugin will be seen as active, but will not be link to plugin's admin page in "Dashboard -> Settings" menu. After few more clicks in Admin area at top of admin pages will be a message from the plugin, you will need to add your account info to my site in the fields, so plugin can check your license, check for new versions etc. After you add your info and submit, it again may need some clicks in Admin area, to run these tasks at background. Then you will find the plugin in "Dashboard -> Settings" menu. Or will be some guiding message - you miss something...

Upgrade of Basic or Pro versions from pre-2016.12.12 release to 2016.12.12

  1. Run the old version of the plugin. May needs to copy back the old files, if you already try to install the new version. Save the admin area of old version, to have info about your settings, you will need to repeat them. This is easy with "Ctrl+S" in the browser, then open the resulting HTML file.
  2. Download a new copy from plugin's page.
  3. Deactivate and delete old version.
  4. Upload and install the new plugin as ZIP file. Follow instructions at previous section "Installation of Basic or Pro versions".
  5. Installer will try to import your old settings, but if it can not: Re-enter (replicate, repeat) your settings, look at saved page.
  6. There may be new settings about "Opt-in", my plugin will read s2M's settings and if needs, will ask you something.
  7. Tell me the result. If still don't runs, or there is other problems, I will need to check myself.

Upgrade from Free to Basic, or from Basic to Pro versions

Or Free to Pro as well. Updating this way you can not save options, as they are different in different versions, will need to set them again anyway.

  1. If you have lot of members and big traffic, set the site to "Maintenance mode", there is lot of plugins for that. Will be 2-3 min. downtime max.
  2. Deactivate and delete the old version.
  3. Install the new version as per instructions above, activate the plugin and put your account's info, when it asks
  4. Go to admin page of the plugin: Settings -> KC s2M+MC (Pro)
  5. Do all need settings, maps etc.
  6. Save
  7. Deactivate "Maintenance mode"

Update same version, but next release

Way 1:

  1. If you have lot of members and big traffic, set the site to "Maintenance mode", there is lot of plugins for that. Will be 2-3 min. downtime max.
  2. Deactivate and delete the old version.
  3. Install the new version as per instructions above, activate the plugin and put your account's info, when it asks.
  4. Go to admin page of the plugin: Dashboard -> Settings -> KC s2M+MC
  5. Do all need settings, maps etc.
  6. Save
  7. Deactivate "Maintenance mode"

Your settings will be saved with latest Pro versions. For other versions (and to be really sure that options will be saved), I suggest another way:

Way 2:

  1. Open the ZIP file
  2. Connect by FTP to your server
  3. If you have lot of members and big traffic, set the site to "Maintenance mode", there is lot of plugins for that. Will be 2-3 min. downtime max.
  4. Delete old files from plugin's directory, all of them
  5. Upload new files
  6. Plugin may need to check for latest version with my site, so may ask for your password, pretty much like for the initial installation. Please follow instructions, answer questions and wait some time so it can do all the need jobs.
  7. Check plugin's admin page, may be new settings etc.
  8. Deactivate "Maintenance mode"

That is, now you have the new version.


You should go to admin page (Dashboard -> Settings -> KC S2M+MC) to set it and check if initial synchronization is needed. Description bellow is for Pro version, for other versions just skip the settings you can't see. Generally, read all the Admin page and set what you need.

At the very first time you go to plugin's admin page, there may be messages to do some additional settings. Those are "glue points" with s2Member, to be possible to "dance together". Please do what the plugin ask, it depends of your current settings and plugin's version. That is one time job. Until next update, when may be something more will needs to be set. Plugin will check and tell you.

The first two settings at plugin's admin page are for new members, created because they stay in a synchronized MC list. Means, new members, incoming from your MC list. All members needs a password, so we must set one. It can be the email of the member, or a random string. Also when new members is created manually, WP sends "welcome email" with the username and password. Here you can set that email to be send also when member is created by MC. Default not send.

Next row sets what to do when a MC member is deleted - can delete or keep the WP member.

Now we will set the maps. First section (synchronization events, checkboxes) is for all the lists together. And each list can have different map.

You can lock some synchronization event(s), depend of your needs, by checking the box next to it. Save these before to continue.

Next section is for the maps, one for each list you have set in s2Members admin pages. Email address is mapped by default. You must add other "roads" to set which info you want to double in MC lists.

To map an user variable, you need to have a merge tag in MC list, and a field (system or custom) in WP/s2M. So create these first. Then go back to plugin's admin page (reload it to be possible plugin to recognize the new merges and fields) and map them, plugin will find existing merges in MC and fields in your site, you just choose what to what you want to link to. And plugin will cares about synchronization, since that. Don't forget to save each of the pairs.

For "fresh" sites nothing more needs, plugin cares about synchronization. You can check synchronization by the longest button there. If you think, that something don't works, also click "Re-set MailChimp" button, this will create fresh "glue points" to your lists. When refresh these, you will see nothing, there is no output, jut page will reloads.

Tricky part is with old sites with existing users. Before installation of the plugin you should clean your MC list(s). Mean, to ensure there stay only the emails you need in your site (if possible). Then you install and set the plugin. Now do synchronizations depending of your needs. To import info from MC to WP, for example, do a manual synch "MC to WP", use "Synch it" keys. Think accordingly, good synchronization is not an easy matter...

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