Monthly Archives: September 2012
Hack the WordPress AJAX procedure…
Here I describe an unusual way to use AJAX inside WordPress, by usual “admin-ajax.php” URL. Usually we run AJAX in WordPress with following code: add_action(‘wp_ajax_mp_my_action’, ‘my_action’); add_action(‘wp_ajax_nopriv_my_action’, ‘my_action’); function my_action() { … } Then we fire it with GET query … Continue reading
Hack the KC Tools…
Sometimes it is need to see what server gets as info from some complex form or POST request. Here is how you can see that. Works with all versions of KC Tools. Set the “action” attribute of the form to: … Continue reading
s2Member® hack – custom ccaps
WordPres’s plugin s2Member® have his own “scripting language” of several []-tags. One (and maybe most used) tag is [s2If …] [/s2If], where we can set conditionals to show or hide content, functions etc, depending of privileges of current viewer, like … Continue reading